Stabilising a business is the first step to recovery. This involves immediate cashflow management, strong financial controls and raising finance to generate sufficient cash to allow the time to implement the recovery plan. The business needs to be restructured, including the management team and the business model to ensure it has the right leadership team and is profitable to make it viable going forward.
With the business freed of its historic problems and having put firm foundations in place, the business can grow profitably again.
Signs that your business is stabilising
- Cashflow is stable
- Profit margins have stabilised
- The day-to-day fire-fighting has stopped
- Trading begins to feel like normal
- Orders are beginning to flow again
- Suppliers are no longer applying pressure
- Customers willing to do more business
- Good customer reviews are being received
- Management team is working well together implementing the recovery plan
- Staff morale is improving
- Staff are contributing new ideas for improvement
- The energy in the business seems to be returning
We want to help you stabilise your business. Get in touch to find out how we can help.
If you'd like to talk to us or discuss any of our services please call us on 07866 767967 email us contact@claritytransformation.